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Dropcity is a new centre for progressive thinking in architecture and design based in Milan.  Founded by architect Andrea Caputo, Dropcity aims to create tribes and collaboration in the creative fields through experimentation and innovation.

Opening in March 2025, the urban apparatus, which occupies the tunnels behind Milan Central Station, will act as a platform to provide accessibility for the next generation of researchers, curators, architects and designers, cultivating the emergence of boundary-breaking ideas while simultaneously facilitating their materialisation.

Born out of the cultural landscape in Milan, Dropcity will act as an urban centre and research cluster, creating an accessible space for the next generation of young architects and designers. Looking back to the attitudes of Italian architecture and design held in previous generations, today there is a lack of a more pluralistic platform that challenges cultural production systems, with little consideration for architectural longevity. In the current climate where the next generation cannot access space in the city, Dropcity aims to create a space where people can convene in daily conversation around design and research.