
Bennett Winch open on Savile Row

Bennett Winch becomes first ever luggage brand on Savile Row

The Pollen Estate are delighted to announce the arrival of Bennett Winch, the luxury luggage brand to the renowned street for tailoring. Located at 34 Savile Row, the brand has now opened its flagship store on the prestigious street.

It is not often you get the opportunity to build a shop on one of the world’s most iconic streets. Bennett Winch have designed their new 600 sq foot flagship store on Savile Row in the same manor that they develop their products; focused entirely on function, material integrity and built by a trusted crew of exceptional craftsmen.

Despite being a space dedicated to luggage, BW have made a conscious effort to pay homage to the road they now call home. A bespoke central workbench inspired by antique drapers tables and a 1920’s tailor’s mirror are both subtle nods to the Row. With the exception of a few rare vintage items, the store has been entirely designed and built by the BW team, including seating upholstered in the same grade one Italian leather.