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Supernovas Annoucnes 100% Recycled and Recyclable Volta Collection


Supernovas Annoucnes 100% Recycled and Recyclable Volta Collection with Designer Paola Cademartori

Supernovas, the circular design and lifestyle company, has launched the expanded Volta collection, designed in collaboration with Italian-Brazilian designer, Paula Cademartori. The brand’s inaugural collection consists of tableware and stationery products that highlight how the London and Milan based company is revolutionising the way we buy, use, and re-use products to fit a dynamic and sustainable lifestyle.

Volta, meaning ‘architectural shape’ in Italian, and ‘return’ in Portuguese, is created with 100% recycled plastic PET filaments, such as plastic food containers and bottles. The largest product for sale, the Muito Grande, is made of the equivalent of 50 PET bottles of recycled plastic waste, and took 15 hours to be 3D-printed. Supernovas puts the circular economy at work by transforming PET plastic waste, such as bottles and packaging, into filaments that are then 3D-printed, resulting in the Volta collection. By keeping the products mono-material and not using glue, Supernovas’s process ensures the products’ recyclability.